The effects on health are far-reaching, being rated as the 5th major risk of death worldwide. Being overweight is the largest risk factor for the development of Type 2 Diabetes (more so than being genetically at risk) and is a major risk factor for the development of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, cancer (breast, colon) and osteoarthritis.
The reason for the soaring numbers of overweight/obese people can be attributed to the shift toward "Westernized diets". The fundamentals of Westernized diets include:
1) High intake of fat (specifically saturated fats - red meats, cheese, butter)
2) High intake of simple carbohydrates (sugars, white grains (white bread, white flour, white pasta, sugary cereals)
3) Sedentary lifestyle (little to no exercise)
and interestingly 4) Low fiber diet (not enough fruit, vegetables and whole grains).
1) Record your weight (first thing in the morning - your weight can fluctuate by up to 2kg during the day)
2) Measure your height (in m)
3) Divide your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in m
e.g. weight 80kg, height 1.92m (192cm)
1.92 x 1.92 = 3.6864
80/3.6864 = 21.7
This is known as your Body Mass Index, or BMI. This will give you a rough estimate of your weight category. It is a rough estimation, as often athletes with a very high muscle mass (eg body builders appear extremely overweight, although in fact, have very little fat).
A normal, healthy BMI is 18.5-24.9.
The old classic optimum is set at 22, yet new research shows that the optimum can vary between 20-23.6.
Overweight is considered when your BMI is 25-29.9.
Obese is considered when your BMI is higher than 30.
Morbidly obese is considered when you are 100 pounds (45.5kg) overweight or a BMI higher than 40.
BMI is not a very accurate means for assessing weight in children or teenagers. The most recent research published by 3 independent universities in Australia and America show that in children, measuring the waist circumference and not BMI is a better predictor of future heart disease and diabetes.
Waist circumference and waist-to-hip ratios are an extremely useful and important tool to predict the risk of heart disease and diabetes.
Biochemically-speaking, this is because fat cells specifically in the abdominal region secrete humoral factors such as adiponectin, leptin and resistin, that alter insulin sensitivity, leading to a state of insulin resistance and finally diabetes.
To calculate your waist-to-hip ratio:
1) Measure your waist (Females: Narrowest area, males: Directly around navel)

3) Divide your waist measurement by your hip measurement.
The optimal ratio for males is < 0.9, whilst for females it is < 0.8.
Moderate risk for males is 0.95-1, whilst for females it is 0.81-0.85.
High risk for males is +1, whilst for females it is +0.85.
A ratio of 0.7 is considered "perfect" for women, as it is associated with optimal estrogen (female hormone) levels in the body.
Here is a link to an online calculator:
Another important factor to know is your body fat percentage.
Here is a great link to approximate your body fat percentage.
The simplest way is to use the "tape measure method". There are far more accurate and elaborate ways of measuring, including the skin fold test and the use of specialised scales. For ease of use, I am only reviewing the tape measure method, as this can easily be done in your own home, but remember it is probably the least accurate measurement.
Note,top of the page is for male measurement, half way down the page is for female measurements:
If you click on the link, it will give you the guide:
Essential fat (for body organ functioning): 2-4%
Athletes: 6-13%
Fitness: 14-17%
Acceptable: 18-25%
Obese: 25%+
Essential fat: 10-12% (This is the minimum fat required for organ functioning and menstruation)
Athlete: 14-20%
Fitness: 21-24%
Acceptable: 25-31%
Obese: 32%+
From the above, you can calculate your lean body mass. Your lean body mass is an indication of your total weight minus the fat weight – which is the mass of the bones, organs and muscles. (The program above does calculate this). Low muscle weight has been shown to be directly related to insulin resistance and in 2009 was deemed a major risk factor for the development of type 2 diabetes. Increasing lean body weight is very important as muscle is 8 times more metabolically active than fat. In simple terms, the higher your lean body weight, the faster your metabolism, and the faster you lose weight.
For diabetics, or those with impaired glucose tolerance, high muscle weight is vital as muscle tissue takes up sugar from the blood, preventing high blood sugar levels.
2 Important things to check for all adults over the age of 20:
Blood glucose (sugar)
Total cholesterol:
To be classified as having normal cholesterol levels, your total cholesterol must be less than 200mg/dl or less than 5.2mmol/l. Borderline cholesterol is between 200-239mg/dl or 5.2-6.2mmol/l. High or unacceptable cholesterol levels are those higher than 240mg/dl or higher than 6.2mmol/l.
LDL cholesterol: (Low density lipoprotein) commonly referred to as "bad cholesterol".
Normal LDL cholesterol levels must fall below 100mg/dl or 2.6mmol/l. Borderline LDL cholesterol ranges between 130-159mg/dl or 3.4-4.1mmol/l. High or unacceptable LDL cholesterol levels range between 160-189mg/dl or 4.1-4.9mmol/l.
HDL cholesterol: (High density lipoprotein) commonly referred to as "good cholesterol".
Normal HDL must be higher than 60mg/dl or higher than 1.5mmol/l. Borderline HDL cholesterol falls between 50-59mg/dl or 1.3-1.5mmol/l. Low or unacceptable HDL cholesterol is less than 45mg/dl or less than 1.2mmol/l.
Normal triglyceride levels are less than 150mg/dl or less than 1.7mmol/l. Borderline triglycerides range from 159-199mg/dl or 1.7-2.2mmol/l. High or unacceptable triglycerides rage from 200-499mg/dl or 2.3-5.6mmol/l.
According to leading world nutritionist, Patrick Holford, these guildelines are important as your risk of death from heart disease doubles if your total cholesterol rises 1.3mmol/l above the upper limit of 5.2mmol/l. You also double your risk every time your LDL goes up by 1.3mmol/l from a healthy level, or your HDL drops by 0.5mmol/l.
Blood glucose/sugar
There are 2 ways of measuring blood glucose. One in the fasted state (on waking) or in the non-fasted state (2 hours after eating).
Normal: 70-100mg/dl or 3.5-5.5mmol/l.
Impaired glucose tolerance: 110-126mg/dl or 5.1-7.0mmol/l.
Diabetes is diagnosed when: higher than 140mg/dl or higher than 7.8mmol/l.
2 hours after eating
Normal: less than 160mg/dl or less than 8.8mmol/l
Impaired glucose tolerance: higher than 160mg/dl or higher than 8.8mmol/l.
Diabetes is diagnosed when: higher than 200mg/dl or higher than 11.1mmol/l.
Both of these tests can be done at your local pharmacy or your doctor.
Now that you have the basics under your belt, my next article will discuss nutritional basics, including calories, carbs, protein, fat, fibre, sodium, calcium, vitamins and very importantly how to read nutritional labels.
Find me on Facebook page - Nutrition through Science and Fitnessfacts100
"Biochemistry is the study of the chemical processes and metabolism in living things"
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